Soap Preview 25 - 29 November

Cold feet alert! There's some wedding worries in 'Corrie' and 'Enders' and an icy engagement in 'Emmmerdale'

Many happy returns?... Alfie and Roxy at the Altar


It’s their big day! Alfie and Roxy are preparing themselves to walk down the aisle.  And as we’re in Soap Land, we’re all expecting this one to go smoothly, right gang? Well, if the groom hadn’t come on to his ex wife and love of his life the night before, we certainly would. But you know, Alfie is a decent man, fundamentally, so despite his troubles, he’s determined not to let Roxy down.

And so he actually gets angry when Ronnie sticks her oar in – telling him not to do it, ‘cause she knows he likes Kat. And things don’t get any more clean cut when Kat arrives at The Vic, to tell him how she really feels. Alfie sends her away, saying she was right to end the kiss.  With that rejection in mind, Kat books herself and Tommy a flight to Ibiza (still be cold this time of year, mind).

He starts to get ready with marriage in mind, all dressed up with a lovely pink rose in his buttonhole. But his best man Ian can tell his heart’s not in it – and for once actually behaves in a grown up manner. Ian tells Alfie not to do it. Once again, Alfie insists that he’s never been happier and he can’t wait to make a lifelong commitment (For the third time – Remember Liza? She was great).

Obviously though, we know who he’s really pining for and when Roxy arrives at the church, Billy desperately tries to cover for him as he chats again to Ian saying he has indeed got cold feet. Anxious, Roxy barges her way in to see... Alfie waiting at the altar for her. But when Bianca, who is supposed to be driving Kat to the airport, decides to take a detour to the church, there’s going to be more interruptions yet. Will they go through with it? This is actually really good stuff from 'Enders'.

Coronation Street

Simon is absolutely distraught about the viral video (Could be worse, mate. Could be a rap video featuring some horrid language) and so Peter is focussed on reassuring him, rather than on his own wedding. (After all, why should he worry? In Soap Land weddings always go smoothly, cough)

Fortunately for both the Barlow boys, Tina is on hand to mop up their tears – but should Peter be getting so close to the lovely barmaid so close to his nuptials. Having watched them share a longing glance, Sally warns Carla that she should keep an eye on her fiancé. And Carla confesses to Michelle that she’s worried about her husband-to-be’s roving eye alighting on another living doll.

She tries to take her mind off her worries with a hen do – featuring some classic Corrie outfits – while Peter inevitably ends up fighting with Rob on his stag do. Tina and Liz split them up and equally inevitably Peter ends up outside calming down with Tina. But while she might dampen some of his passion – others are certainly fired up. Are they about to jump on each other?

Also this week: Faye gets nicked by the police about the viral video but refuses to drop that little witch Grace in it.


“Hell,” as someone once wrote, “is other people.”  And it’s fair to say that while  Jean Paul Sartre never watched ‘Emmerdale’ (He may have caught ‘Emmerdale Farm’ but that’s a different matter), Charity Dingle in a rage is exactly the kind of thing he had in mind.

After learning of Jai’s betrayal, Charity heads out on a drunken rampage. Noah is devastated by the news and she’s stung when she sees the close bond between him and Jai. So stung, that she decides to get behind the wheel of a digger and really do some damage.

If that wasn’t enough, when Cain comes to her aid, giving her a shoulder to cry on, she misreads the situation and makes a move  (Kat and Alfie? Charity and Cain? - To paraphrase Shakespeare - it’s a bit of a week for star crossed lovers.) He fights her off and she’s even more humiliated.

Later, a determined Jai tries again to make amends by taking Charity to a memorable place, the lake where she had promised never to leave him. But Charity doesn’t exactly react with joy – instead she throws her wedding ring across the frozen lake.

Determined to show Charity how much he cares about their marriage, Jai clambers on to the ice to retrieve it. But his demonstration backfires when the ice beneath him begins to crack and he plummets into the freezing water… Is Charity going to  even bother to help him?

Also this week: Declan hits Megan in the face.