Ben to kill Heather in EastEnders - Daily TV round-up

Phil Mitchell's son Ben is set to murder Heather Trott in a shocking storyline on 'EastEnders'.

Ben will kill her following an argument, according to reports, in a crime that will see Darren Miller and Ian Beale also in the frame.

Ben's dad Phil will seemingly see Ben leaving the crime scene and attempt to cover up the murder by destroying the evidence, leading his girlfriend Shirley to suspect that he is the culprit.

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It was announced that Cheryl Fergison's contract had been terminated last year, reportedly leaving her devastated.

A source on the show told The Sun that 'Heather's exit stuns the Square. Everyone is looking over their shoulder wondering who is responsible'.

“Heather's life will go through various twists and turns over the next couple of months which will place numerous people in the frame,” they added.

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Also in today's press

The BBC are reportedly furious over plans to recreate the success of 'Sherlock' in the US. A show called 'Elementary', based on the work of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is in the pipeline, setting the action in modern day New York. A BBC America source told the Mirror that 'this looks like a blatant attempt to copy and cash in. We want Sherlock to rate big in the States and this could take the shine off it'. [The Mirror]

Simon Cowell wants to send the next winner of 'Britain's Got Talent' into space. “I am being serious, I swear to God. You could be the first singer or dog act, whatever, performing in space,” he said. “I love the idea that, if they are up for it, they have the option of performing in front of the whole planet in space. It can’t be compulsory, but it will happen.” [The Sun]